
Showing posts with the label Commerce


The French government is being sued for failing to outlaw bottom trawling in Marine Protected Areas.

The French government has been formally asked by the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) and Defense des Milieux Aquatiques (DMA) to address its noncompliance with EU and French regulations pertaining to bottom trawling, one of the most damaging fishing methods. These regulations are obviously broken by allowing this practice to continue in some of France's most biodiverse and endangered marine areas. The NGOs claim that this situation puts the long-term sustainability of the fisheries in jeopardy in addition to compromising the integrity of these places. Legal action will be taken in a French court if the government fails to appropriately respond to this formal request. The request specifically targets two maritime protected areas, Chausey and Bancs des Flandres, where bottom trawling is causing habitat destruction. A major factor in the decline of marine biodiversity is bottom trawling, which is the practice of dragging weighted nets across the seabed. It unintentionally captu

Reports that the commerce minister met with an Israeli counterpart are denied by a Saudi source.

 Reports that the commerce minister met with an Israeli counterpart are denied by a Saudi source. RIYADH: According to the Saudi Press Agency, an official Saudi source refuted claims that went viral on social media on Monday about a meeting between Israeli occupation official and Commerce Minister Majid Al-Qasabi. In a statement issued by SPA, the same source said that the video went viral as Al-Qasabi and his Nigerian counterpart were standing just before the World Trade Organization's thirteenth Ministerial Conference opened in Abu Dhabi. The insider told SPA, "The person shook [the Saudi minister's] hand and was then introduced, without (Al-Qasabi's) prior knowledge." Following this, there were allegations in Israeli media that the two talked about peace between Saudi Arabia and Israel. One Israeli site published a photo of the two with the headline, "Saudi counterpart and Israeli minister shake hands and discuss'making history together.'" Add