
Showing posts from November 4, 2023


The French government is being sued for failing to outlaw bottom trawling in Marine Protected Areas.

The French government has been formally asked by the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) and Defense des Milieux Aquatiques (DMA) to address its noncompliance with EU and French regulations pertaining to bottom trawling, one of the most damaging fishing methods. These regulations are obviously broken by allowing this practice to continue in some of France's most biodiverse and endangered marine areas. The NGOs claim that this situation puts the long-term sustainability of the fisheries in jeopardy in addition to compromising the integrity of these places. Legal action will be taken in a French court if the government fails to appropriately respond to this formal request. The request specifically targets two maritime protected areas, Chausey and Bancs des Flandres, where bottom trawling is causing habitat destruction. A major factor in the decline of marine biodiversity is bottom trawling, which is the practice of dragging weighted nets across the seabed. It unintentionally captu

Saudi Arabia's economy has reversed due to the country's reduction in oil production.

  Source Abu Dhabi (CNN) Saudi Arabia's economy has reversed due to the country's reduction in oil production. Following a reduction in output by the world's largest crude oil exporter to support prices, Saudi Arabia's economy has reversed course. The country's official statistics agency announced this week that the third quarter of 2023 saw a 4.5% year-over-year decline in Saudi Arabia's gross domestic product, the broadest indicator of the country's economic health. Since the Covid-19 epidemic in 2020, that contraction has been the biggest. The decline would have been far more severe if non-oil activities hadn't grown by 3.6%. Even though the nation's enormous oil industry had been contracting for months, the economy as a whole managed 1.2% annual growth in the second quarter. The third quarter saw the worst year-over-year decline in the kingdom's oil sector since at least 2011 as a result of the voluntary reductions in oil production intended